The Corporation of the Township of Brock

Property Standards Committee Minutes

Session 1
Virtual Meeting
Members Present:
  • Mayor John Grant
  • Regional Councillor Smith
  • Ward 1 Councillor Michael Jubb
  • Ward 2 Councillor Claire Doble
  • Ward 3 Councillor Walter Schummer
  • Ward 4 Councillor Cria Pettingill
  • Ward 5 Councillor Lynn Campbell
Staff Present:
  • CAO Ingrid Svelnis
  • Deputy Clerk Maralee Drake
  • Deputy Clerk Deena Hunt
  • Chief Building Official Richard Ferguson
  • By-law Enforcement/Animal Control Supervisor Sarah Beauregard-Jones


The Secretary, Maralee Drake, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. and requested a motion to appoint an Acting Chair.


  • Resolution:1-1
    Moved byRegional Councillor Smith

    That Mayor Grant be appointed as Chair of the Property Standards Committee.


The Receptionist/Clerk's Assistant and the Part time Animal Control Officer joined the meeting at 3:30 p.m.

Communication No. 871/21

  • Resolution:2-1
    Moved byCouncillor Campbell

    That communication 871 be received for information.


Richard Ferguson

The Chief Building Official advised that Mr. Mario Parravano is appealing a property standards order issued by the By-law Department on June 2, 2021, against his property at Lot 30 Plan 425 Thorah Park Boulevard, Beaverton, which is a vacant property located opposite other property he owns at 24420 Thorah Park Boulevard. He advised that the By-law Department issued the order as a result of complaints received with respect to rubbish on the property, the majority of which has been moved to Lot 30 from 24420 Thorah Park Blvd. He advised that there have been other complaints over the years with respect to materials stored at 24420 Thorah Park Blvd.

The By-law Enforcement Supervisor advised that a burned out vehicle has appeared on Lot 30 since the issuance of the order. 

Mr. Mario Parravano advised that he has been constructing houses for 40 years in various municipalities with no issues, and noted that a cube van was torched on Lot 30 and he has suffered other acts of vandalism and theft. He advised that he has owned the vacant property for 10 years, the intention is to build a multi-million dollar home for a client, he has applied for a building permit, paid the fees, and has engaged architects and engineers to work on the proposed home. He advised that he requires the building materials on the lot to commence with construction once he obtains the building permit and requested an extension to the order for 60 to 90 days.

Regional Councillor Smith enquired whether the building permit indicates Lot 30 to which Mr. Parravano advised in the affirmative. He enquired as to the status of the building permit to which the Chief Building Official advised that the application has been received, the fee is paid, and there are many requirements to be met prior to issuing the building permit. He enquired whether all of the material had been moved from B24420 to Lot 30 to which the Chief Building Official advised not, that the majority was moved and that it had been situated on B24420 for over 10 years.

Regional Councillor Smith enquired as to the intentions for the two lots across the road from Lot 30 to which Mr. Parravano advised that one lot has been sold to a builder who has submitted a building application and the other lot received approval from Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance on the side yard and to remove the structure. Mr. Parravano advised that the architect's focus would be on Lot 30 as the conditional sale of B24420 fell through. 

Regional Councillor Smith enquired as to the anticipated timeline for construction to which Mr. Parravano advised Lot 30 to commence in mid August and B24420 in mid November, 2021 provided he obtains building permits.

Councillor Jubb enquired as to the preferred time for an extension to which Mr. Parravano advised 90 days.

Councillor Schummer enquired as to the status of the burnt truck as well as other items that were stolen to which Mr. Parravano advised that the insurance company would be removing the truck today and a boat as well as thousands of dollars of tools/equipment were stolen. He enquired whether a 60 or 90 day extension would be sufficient to allow for the permit to be issued given the number of requirements outstanding with the Building Department to which Mr. Parravano advised that he is hopeful, as he has ordered construction material for delivery within 60 days, and the conditional offer for purchase and sale requires a final inspection by the end of November. The Chief Building Official advised that, while he has not yet received the preliminary structural drawings, it would be possible for the applicant/consultants to submit the necessary information within that time period.

Councillor Schummer advised that a previous meeting of the Property Standards Committee was held in August of 2012 for an appeal for an order issued to Mr. Parravano for a similar issue to which Mr. Parravano advised that it was not a similar issue as it involved the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority putting a hold on the construction which resulted in litigation and it took several years to be resolved. Mr. Parravano advised that he could provide Council with a redacted copy of the purchase and sale agreement for Lot 30.

Councillor Schummer enquired as to a work yard for equipment and supplies and was advised that the current work yard is being converted to industrial condominiums in Toronto and sourcing a new works yard zoned Industrial for outdoor storage is difficult.

Councillor Pettingill enquired as to storage of the material should the building permit not be issued in 60 days and was advised to the new works yard or alternate job site. She enquired whether the materials could be moved back to B24420 to which Mr. Parravano advised in the affirmative. She enquired as to further construction material to arrive should the extension be granted and was advised, upon issuance of the building permit, 3 truck loads of lumber and containers to hold the equipment securely.

Councillor Doble enquired whether there was a way to store construction material on Lot 30 that would meet the Property Standards By-law to which the Chief Building Official advised that there are no provisions for outdoor storage on vacant lots and it would only be permissible with a building permit. She enquired whether the Fire Department attended the scene when the truck was torched to which Mr. Parravano advised that he was not notified, he discovered it 5 days later at which point he involved the police who were shocked that the Fire Department did not call DRPS. She enquired why the materials have not been stored at the works yard over the past years and was advised due to the transportation costs and some material had been intended for a previous build.

The Receptionist/Clerks Assistant left the meeting at 4:10 p.m.

Councillor Campbell enquired whether erecting a fence on Lot 30 would allow storage of the building materials and was advised not, as it is currently zoned residential.

Regional Councillor Smith requested assurance from Mr. Parravano that, should an extension be granted, the applicant would meet the requirements of the Building Department and was advised in the affirmative.

Councillor Schummer enquired as to actions upon the expiry of a 60 day extension with no building permit issued to which the Chief Building Official advised that the By-law Department would move forward with either a property clean up or the Provincial court process. 

The CAO expressed concern that the requirements for a permit would not be met within the 60 day timeframe noting that the issue is more complex than simply having the permit issued.

  • Resolution:3-1
    Moved byRegional Councillor Smith

    That the Committee confirm the Property Standards Order issued to Mr. Mario Parravano for Lot 30 Plan 425, Township of Brock with a 60 day extension.

  • Resolution:4-1
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    That the Committee confirm the Property Standards Order issued to Mr. Mario Parravano for Lot 30 Plan 425, Township of Brock.





  • Resolution:5-1
    Moved byCouncillor Schummer

    That we do now adjourn at 4:27 p.m.