The Corporation of the Township of Brock
Council Revised Agenda

Council Chambers - 1 Cameron St. E. Cannington and Electronically



It is important to begin each public gathering with a Land and Territorial Acknowledgement, to recognize the Indigenous people for being good stewards of the land and environment, here where we are meeting today. The Township of Brock has traditionally been a hunting and fishing ground for First Nations people. We reside on and benefit from the Williams Treaty Territories, on the land of the Mississaugas and Chippewas. May we share the land as long as the sun rises, the grass grows and river flows.









Nathan Gardner, North Durham Social Development Council
Attending in-person

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Nathan Gardner of North Durham Social Development Council with respect to the North Durham Social Development Council be received.

Michael Smith, RPP
Michael Smith Planning Consultants
Communication Number 93/25
Attending In-person

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Michael Smith of Michael Smith Planning with respect to Encroachment Request - 0 King Street, Sunderland be received; and
    That Council respectfully deny an encroachment request for 0 King Street, Sunderland; 


    That Council refer the request to staff for a report.

Michael Smith, RPP
Michael Smith Planning Consultants
Related to item 9.7.1 Report 2024-GG-040, Sale of Unopened Laneway - Sunderland
Attending in-person 

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Michael Smith of Michael Smith Planning with respect to Potential Sale of Unopened Laneway - Sunderland be received.

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That Council adopts all minutes of previous Council meetings as listed in Section 8.1:

    • Council - January 27, 2025



Director of Finance/Treasurer

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Report 2025-FI-003, Financial Disclosure Requirement - Ontario Regulation 284/09  be received.

Director of Finance/Treasurer

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Report 2025-FI-007, 2024 Council Remuneration and Expense Report be received. 

Director of Finance/Treasurer

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Report 2025-FI-005, Summary of Investments as of December 31, 2024 be received.

Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Report 2025-PRF-003, Ice Extension Request - Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre for the 2024/2025 Season be received; and
    That Council receives correspondence 63/25 from Brock Minor Hockey Association; and
    That Council approve the request for continuation of ice for the 2024/2025 ice season at the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre up to May 11, 2025; and
    That Parks and Recreation staff to continue to maintain the ice at the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre through to May 11, 2025 and to work with all user groups for ice scheduling to provide the highest frequency of ice usage during this extended time including advertising of available ice times for users outside of Brock Township; and
    That staff continue to work with all user groups to see if alternatives can be found to allow for better coordination between user groups and events.

Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That Report 2025-PRF-002,Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre Auditorium Tender Results, be received; and

    That Council receives correspondence 103/25 from the Beaverton Lions Club; and

    That Council approve the re-allocation of approximately $21,800 from the Foster Hewitt Maintenance and Beaverton Arena Lighting capital projects, previously approved in 2020 and 2022, to the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre auditorium project; and

    That Council direct staff to work with the Beaverton Lions Club to select the appliances and to proceed with purchasing the specified appliances as soon as possible to ensure that the appliance pricing does not increase; and

    That Council direct staff to have a plaque created and installed upon completion recognizing the partnership with the Beaverton Lions Club and the Township of Brock for the renovation of the kitchen and bar area of the auditorium; and

    That Council gratefully accepts the additional contribution of $5,000 from the Beaverton Lions Club and allows the Beaverton Lions Club to make up any meetings that were not held due to the construction at no cost; and

    That Council respectfully denies the request for 2 additional free use events per year to the end of the current agreement as requested;  

    That staff continue to investigate options for improved WIFI capabilities within the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre and to bring forward a report to Council in regards to this component of this agreement as soon as practicable; and

    That Council approve the additional funding required to complete the project as designed in the amount of approximately $7,659, be funded from the Beaverton Arena reserve, taking into consideration the additional contribution from the Beaverton Lions, and

    That Council award the contract to the lowest bidder Mazand Rah Borna Canada Inc., and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement; and

    That Council direct staff to arrange for this work to be initiated at a time mutually agreed to with the Lions Club and the Township staff.


  • Recommendation:

    Whereas the Township of Brock has legislated responsibilities with respect to Capital Asset Management Planning; and

    Whereas the Township of Brock received and adopted the Core Services Review (2023) and the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan (2023), where both documents recommended the divestiture of assets; and

    Whereas Wilfrid Town Hall generates a minimal amount of rental revenue, runs an operating deficit and has limited reserves for capital repairs or upgrades; now, therefore

    Be It Resolved That Report 2025-CO-001, Wilfrid Hall be received; and

    That Council approves the sale of Wilfrid Hall and declares the land and building (Wilfrid Hall) as surplus; and

    That Council authorizes that Mayor and Clerk to execute all required documents necessary to complete the transactions in selling Wilfrid Hall.

Fire Chief

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Report-2025-PS-001, Fire Department 2024 Stats be received.

Deputy CAO/Clerk

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Report Number 2024-GG-040 Sale of Unopened Laneway - Sunderland, be received; and
    That Council declare the Unopened Laneway -Sunderland as surplus and direct staff to prepare a “Stop-Up and Close” By-law to be presented on the February 24, 2025 agenda; and
    That Council approve the following split and sale of the Unopened Laneway, as shown on Schedule “1” attached and described as follows:

    • Part 1 to be conveyed to 5 Albert Street, Lot D, Plan 79, PIN # 72004-0250, owned by Trustee of King Edward Masonic Lodge No. 464, to clear any encroachment issues.
    • Part 2 “South L” to be sold and conveyed directly to Gary Bertram, owner of the commercial garage, legal description of Part Lot 29, Plan 26, PIN No. 720040245. The price to be established by the Township at fair market value as outlined in the Closed Session Report No. 2024-GG-023 “Establishment of Land Purchase Price”.
    • Part 3 “North L” to be sold by means of a Public Sealed Tender. The minimum starting bid to be established by the Township at fair market value as outlined in the Closed Session Report No. 2024-GG-023 “Establishment of Land Purchase Price”; and

      That Council authorize staff to proceed with the services of an Ontario Land Surveyor, to survey the unopened laneway; and

      That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute all required documents necessary to complete the transactions in selling the unopened laneway – Sunderland.



Glen Macfarlane, Rural Economic Development Specialist;
Lori Talling, Acting Manager, Agriculture & Rural Economic Development
Durham Region
Communication Number 71/25

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Communication Number 71/25, North Durham Labour Force Study, submitted by Community Growth and Economic Development - Durham Region be received. 

Mindy Brophy, Beaverton Barrel Racing Club
Communication Number 52/25

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Communication Number 52/25, submitted by Mindy Brophy on behalf of the Beaverton Barrel Racing Club with respect to free use of the ring at the Beaverton Fairgrounds for Barrel Racing Events on May 25, June 22, July 1 (at the request of the Beaverton Lions Club Canada Day Event), July 27, August 24 and September 7, 2024 be received; and
    That Council approve the free use of the Beaverton Fairgrounds, provided there are no other events booked on those dates; and
    That approval is subject to proof of insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 naming the Township of Brock as additional insured is provided to staff; and
    That Council approves the use of free hydro on those dates; and
    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Beaverton Barrel Racing Club for use of the ring at the fairgrounds.

Gary Bertram 
Communication Number 104/25
In Relation to Report 2024-GG-040, Sale of Unopened Laneway - Sunderland

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Communication Number 104/25, Proposal to Purchase Unopened Laneway - Sunderland, submitted by Gary Bertram be received.

Ellen Bertram
Communication Number 105/25
In Relation to Report 2024-GG-040, Sale of Unopened Laneway - Sunderland

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Communication Number 105/25, Proposal to Purchase Unopened Laneway - Sunderland, submitted by Ellen Bertram be received. 






  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That Council proceed into a Closed Meeting at ____ a.m. p.m.. to discuss the following matters:

    • personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act
    • educating or training members of the council, local board or committee pursuant to Section 239 (3.1) of the Municipal Act

Advisory Committee Update 


Council and Staff Roles and Responsibilities



  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That Council rise & report from Closed Meeting of Council at TIME a.m p.m.; and,

    That Council endorse all direction provided to staff, at the Closed Meeting of Council held on February 10, 2025.







By-law Number 3323-2025 to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Brock at its meeting held on February 10, 2025.

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That By-law Number 3323-2025, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Brock at its meeting held on February 10, 2025 be taken as read, enacted and signed by the Mayor and Clerk/Deputy CAO.


  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the meeting of Council adjourn at TIME a.m. p.m.

No Item Selected