The Corporation of the Township of Brock

Committee of the Whole Minutes

Virtual Meeting
Members Present:
  • Mayor Walter Schummer
  • Regional Councillor Michael Jubb
  • Ward 1 Councillor Peter Frank
  • Ward 3 Councillor Angela Canavan
  • Ward 4 Councillor Cria Pettingill
  • Ward 5 Councillor Lynn Campbell
Members Absent:
  • Ward 2 Councillor Claire Doble
Staff Present:
  • CAO, Ingrid Svelnis
  • Clerk/Deputy CAO Fernando Lamanna
  • Clerk's Assistant Deena Hunt
  • Clerk's Assistant Stefanie Stickwood
  • Director of Finance/Treasurer Trena DeBruijn
  • Director of Public Works Paul Lagrandeur
  • Director Development Services Robin Prentice
  • Fire Chief Rick Harrison



Mayor Schummer called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and a quorum was present.



It is important to begin each public gathering with a Land and Territorial Acknowledgement, to recognize the Indigenous people for being good stewards of the land and environment, here where we are meeting today. The Township of Brock has traditionally been a hunting and fishing ground for First Nations people. We reside on and benefit from the Williams Treaty Territories, on the land of the Mississaugas and Chippewas. May we share the land as long as the sun rises, the grass grows and river flows.



Performance Concepts

Tony Quirk, Michelle Casavecchia-Somers, and Todd MacDonald, Performance Concepts Consulting Inc. provided a Core Service Review presentation focused on a 'Council Branding Overview’ which included:

Types of Council Branding - Post Survey

  • Fiscal restraint Council
    • Focused on keeping taxes to the rate of inflation and saying ‘no’ to capital or operating cost pressures
    • Ensuring that residential tax burden is competitive comparable to North Durham neighbours
  • Financially responsible Council
    • Focused on actions to become ‘One Brock’ - sustainable asset/facilities model
    • Addressing asset management unfunded liability
    • Ensuring existing assets/facilities/services are properly funded and maintained before adding new ones
    • Divesting assets no longer good value for money
  • Modernizer Council
    • Focused on investing in modern technology tools – more efficient service delivery
    • Measuring service results, setting targets linked to budget cycle and outcomes
    • Implementing policies/programs to modernize operations and ensure continuous improvement
    • Partnering with other municipalities/groups to lower cost of service delivery
  • Green Government
    • Focused on more environmentally sustainable practices
    • Investing in more green initiatives
    • Establishing policies and programs to reduce Brock’s carbon footprint to mitigate the impacts of climate change
  • Growth and Development Council
    • Focused on growing the local tax base prioritizing multi-residential and non-residential development
    • Taking action to address serving capacity constraints which impede development
    • Address housing affordability when planning for growth
  • ‘Cut the Ribbons’ Council
    • Focused on building more municipal facilities
    • Expanding programs/services to meet community desires
    • Ensuring facilities/services/programs are provided equally to all 3 communities
    • Increasing arts and culture programs, community and special events

Brand Identification Methodology included survey and analysis.

  • Council survey was anonymous, scored by consensus and considered the following:
    • Taxes and finances
    • Assets and asset management
    • Infrastructure
    • Growth and planning
    • Community services
    • Fire services
    • Service excellence
    • New services
    • Wildly important goals

Council Brands that emerged after the survey were:

  • Financially Responsible
  • Modernizer Council

Setting Wildly Important Goals (Strategic Priorities) scheduled for June 5, 2023.

Council members provided the following questions:

  • accuracy of scoring with only 7 members completing the survey
  • differences between restraint and financially responsible
  • how to merge Core Services Review with the Recreation and Culture Master Plan, and the Waterfront Area and Open Space Plan
  • Resolution:COW-2023-136
    Moved byRegional Councillor Jubb

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Core Services Review, presented by Performance Concepts be received. 







Director of Finance and Treasurer

  • Resolution:COW-2023-137
    Moved byCouncillor Canavan

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Memorandum 2023-FI-012, Indexing of the Township's Development Charge By-Law for 2023 be received.


Director of Finance and Treasurer 

  • Resolution:COW-2023-138
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Report 2023-FI-013, Annual Report on Building Fees and Costs for 2022 be received.


Director of Finance and Treasurer

  • Resolution:COW-2023-139
    Moved byRegional Councillor Jubb

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Memorandum 2023-FI-014, Development Charge Study be received; and
    THAT Council direct staff to proceed with the tender process in 2023; and
    THAT this recommendation be ratified at the Council meeting held on May 23, 2023.


Director of Public Works

  • Resolution:COW-2023-140
    Moved byCouncillor Frank

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Memorandum 305/23, Maple Beach Road Streetlight Request be received; and
    THAT Council follow the recommendation of not approving the streetlight request.


There was no correspondence for consideration.

There was no correspondence for consideration.

There was no correspondence for consideration.

In the absence of Councillor Doble, Mayor Schummer assumed the Chair for Development Services Committee.

Director of Development Services

  • Resolution:COW-2023-141
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Report 2023-DS-011 regarding Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA-2023-01) applications for 1705 Concession Rd 7 – Recommendation Report, be received; and
    THAT staff be authorized to advise the Region of Durham that the Township has no objections to the adoption of the proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA-2023-003); and
    THAT application ZBA-2023-01 to amend Zoning By-law 287-78-PL be approved; and
    THAT the Zoning By-law appended to this report as Attachment 2 be brought forward to Council for adoption once the Region of Durham adopts the Regional Official Plan Amendment.


There was no correspondence for consideration.

There was no correspondence for consideration.








The Clerk/Deputy CAO provided an update which included:

  • amending Terms of Reference for Brock Accessibility Advisory Committee (BAAC)
  • 5 members required, 4 applications received
  • appoint the council liaison member as a voting member of BAAC
  • Non-Profit Sector Advisory Committee (NPSAC), and the Tourism Advisory Committee (BTAC) have received only 2 applications each
  • follow up at June 2023 Committee of the Whole with status of NPSAC and BTAC
  • Resolution:COW-2023-142
    Moved byCouncillor Canavan

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Advisory Committees verbal update, provided by the Clerk/Deputy CAO be received; and
    THAT Committee approve the updated Terms of Reference of the Brock Accessibility Advisory Committee; and
    THAT the Mayor select a council liaison to serve on the Committee.




There were no public questions for clarification.


  • Resolution:COW-2023-143
    Moved byCouncillor Campbell

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole meeting adjourn at 5:00 p.m.