Be it Resolved That Report 2025-PRF-002,Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre Auditorium Tender Results, be received; and
That Council receives correspondence 103/25 from the Beaverton Lions Club; and
That Council approve the re-allocation of approximately $21,800 from the Foster Hewitt Maintenance and Beaverton Arena Lighting capital projects, previously approved in 2020 and 2022, to the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre auditorium project; and
That Council direct staff to work with the Beaverton Lions Club to select the appliances and to proceed with purchasing the specified appliances as soon as possible to ensure that the appliance pricing does not increase; and
That Council direct staff to have a plaque created and installed upon completion recognizing the partnership with the Beaverton Lions Club and the Township of Brock for the renovation of the kitchen and bar area of the auditorium; and
That Council gratefully accepts the additional contribution of $5,000 from the Beaverton Lions Club and allows the Beaverton Lions Club to make up any meetings that were not held due to the construction at no cost; and
That Council respectfully denies the request for 2 additional free use events per year to the end of the current agreement as requested;
That staff continue to investigate options for improved WIFI capabilities within the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre and to bring forward a report to Council in regards to this component of this agreement as soon as practicable; and
That Council approve the additional funding required to complete the project as designed in the amount of approximately $7,659, be funded from the Beaverton Arena reserve, taking into consideration the additional contribution from the Beaverton Lions, and
That the project be descoped to remove the kitchen specific HVAC unit valued at approximately $7,500; and
That Council award the contract to the lowest bidder Mazand Rah Borna Canada Inc., and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement; and
That Council direct staff to arrange for this work to be initiated at a time mutually agreed to with the Lions Club and the Township staff.