The Corporation of the Township of Brock
Council Revised Agenda

Council Chambers - 1 Cameron St. E. Cannington and Electronically



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Those wishing to attend the meeting in person or virtually to speak to Council on an item on this published agenda are asked to contact prior to the start of the meeting and staff will provide the meeting details.



It is important to begin each public gathering with a Land and Territorial Acknowledgement, to recognize the Indigenous people for being good stewards of the land and environment, here where we are meeting today. The Township of Brock has traditionally been a hunting and fishing ground for First Nations people. We reside on and benefit from the Williams Treaty Territories, on the land of the Mississaugas and Chippewas. May we share the land as long as the sun rises, the grass grows and river flows.









Executive Director Colin Frotten 
First Act Youth Company
Communication Number 843/24
Attending in-person

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Colin Firth, Executive Director, First Act Youth Group with respect to Request to Renew Lease Agreement for 2025 be received; and
    That Communication Number 843/24, Request to Renew Lease Agreement for 2025, submitted by Nicole Strawbridge, First Act Youth Company be received; and
    That Council approve the continuation of the First Act Youth Company Lease Agreement to align with the Beaverton Town Hall Players Lease; and
    That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the First Act Youth Company;


    That Council respectfully declines the reduced rental agreement



Linda Bishop 
Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award
Related to Item 12.3

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Linda Bishop with respect to Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award be received.

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved that Council adopts the Committee of the Whole recommendations from September 23, and October 7, 2024.

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That Council adopts all minutes of previous Council and Committee of the Whole meetings as listed in Section 10.1:

    • Council Workshop - September 16, 2024
    • Committee of the Whole - September 23 , 2024
    • Council - September 23, 2024
    • Committee of the Whole - October 7, 2024
    • Committee of the Whole - Closed - October 7, 2024



Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities 
Related to Item 12.3

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Memorandum 2024-PRF-027, King Street Park and Running Track Update be received. 



Manilla Hall Community Association 
Communication Number 822/24

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Communication Number 822/24, 2024 Manilla Hall Events submitted by the Manilla Hall Community Association be received. 

Bill Vieveen
Communication Number 838/24

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved that Communication Number 838/24, Floyd Hales Fish Huts Lease Renewal, submitted by Bill Vieveen of Floyd Hales Fish Huts be received; and
    That Council approve the continuation of Floyd Hales Fish Huts Lease at the west side of the Beaverton Harbour Park from December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025; and
    That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Floyd Hales Fish Huts for the Floyd Hales Fish Huts lease.

Beaverton Special Events
Communication Number 883/24 and 888/24

  • Recommendation:

    Be It Resolved That Communication Number 883/24 and 888/24, Additional Donation of Funding for King Street Park Project be received; and
    That staff request direction from Council. 





  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That By-laws 3290-2024, 3294-2024, 3295-2024, 3296-2024, 3298-2024, 3299-2024, 3300-2024 and 3301-2024 be taken as read, enacted and signed by the Mayor and Municipal Clerk.

Being a By-law to amend the Exotic Animal By-law (2402-2012-PP) to regulate the keeping of backyard hens within the Rural Residential and Hamlet Residential Zones.

Being a by-law to Temporarily Close a Municipal Road and Prohibit Through Traffic of Motorized Vehicles in Beaverton, in Brock Township, to facilitate the Beaverton Santa Claus Parade on November 15, 2024

Being a by-law to Temporarily Close a Municipal Road and Prohibit Through Traffic of Motorized Vehicles in Sunderland, in Brock Township, to facilitate the Sunderland Santa Claus Parade on December 14, 2024

Being a by-law to Temporarily Close a Municipal Road and Prohibit Through Traffic of Motorized Vehicles in Sunderland, in Brock Township, to facilitate the Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival on April 5 & 6, 2025

Being a by-law under the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended to amend Zoning By-law 287-79-PL, as otherwise amended, of the Corporation of the Township of Brock, Region of Durham, with respect to Part of Lot 20, Concession 11, Township of Brock, (municipally known as 15 & 17 Munro Street West), (Roll No. 183903000214000)

Being a by-law to Temporarily Close a Regional Road and Prohibit Through Traffic of Motorized Vehicles in Sunderland, in Brock Township, to facilitate the Sunderland Legion Branch 141 Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 11, 2024.

Being a by-law to Temporarily Close a Municipal Road and Prohibit Through Traffic of Motorized Vehicles in Beaverton, in Brock Township, to facilitate the Beaverton Legion Branch 135 Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 11, 2024

Being a by-law to Temporarily Close a Municipal Road and Prohibit Through Traffic of Motorized Vehicles in Cannington, in Brock Township, to facilitate the Cannington Legion Branch 186 Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 11, 2024.











By-law Number 3297-2024 to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Brock at its meeting held on October 21, 2024.

  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That By-law Number 3297-2024, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Brock at its meeting held on October 21, 2024 be taken as read, enacted and signed by the Mayor and Clerk/Deputy CAO.


  • Recommendation:

    Be it Resolved That the meeting of Council adjourn at TIME a.m. p.m.