The Corporation of the Township of Brock

Committee of the Whole Minutes

Council Chambers - 1 Cameron St. E. Cannington and Electronically
Members Present:
  • Mayor Walter Schummer
  • Regional Councillor Michael Jubb
  • Ward 1 Councillor Peter Frank
  • Ward 2 Councillor Claire Doble
  • Ward 3 Councillor Angela Canavan
  • Ward 4 Councillor Cria Pettingill
  • Ward 5 Councillor Lynn Campbell
Staff Present:
  • CAO Michelle Willson
  • Clerk/Deputy CAO Fernando Lamanna
  • Clerk's Assistant Deena Hunt
  • Clerk's Assistant Stefanie Stickwood
  • Director of Finance/Treasurer Trena DeBruijn
  • Manager Facilities and IT, R. Wayne Ward
  • Director Development Services Robin Prentice
  • Fire Chief Rick Harrison



Mayor Schummer called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and a quorum was present.



It is important to begin each public gathering with a Land and Territorial Acknowledgement, to recognize the Indigenous people for being good stewards of the land and environment, here where we are meeting today. The Township of Brock has traditionally been a hunting and fishing ground for First Nations people. We reside on and benefit from the Williams Treaty Territories, on the land of the Mississaugas and Chippewas. May we share the land as long as the sun rises, the grass grows and river flows.



John Henry, Regional Chair and Elaine Baxter-Trahair, CAO, Durham Region provided a presentation which included:

  • Durham Region's 50th Anniversary
    • residents can sign an interactive digital guest book
    • student contest to be Regional Chair for a Day -  a winner from grade 5 and grade 10
    • community placemaking and art installations
    • Doors Open on June 15 at Regional facilities
  • Growth - Durham is the largest jurisdiction in the GTHA with an area of over 2500 square kilometres
    • 21 local municipalities merged to form Durham Region
    • now have 14,000 businesses,4 post-secondary institutions, and a population of 745,000 from 247,000 since inception
    • infrastructure investments to support growth include:
      • $4 million watermain projects
      • $17 million water pollution control plant upgrades
      • $7 million road rehabilitation
      • worked together with the Township to advocate to the Province for replacement of the Beaver River bridge
  • Safe and Healthy Communities
    • 54 new uniformed police officers to be hired by DRPS
    • para-medicine program provides care in homes for residents
    • a new Durham outreach team seeks homeless people and gets them basic needs
    • Beaverton Transitional Supportive Housing with 47 units will open this year
  • Mobility - with more housing there is a need for more transportation
    • Durham Region Transit, On Demand, and Specialized Services ridership increased
    • the Regional Budget approved over 7,000 new annual service hours for the On Demand network for rural service areas
    • transition the fleet to electric buses
    • Metrolinks is working toward Go Train extensions - 4 Go Stations along the extension
  • Innovation - North Durham offers advantages for businesses
    • 2023-2027 Ready Set Future is the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy and Action Plan
    • Brock businesses assist tourism and provide jobs
    • Ontario Tech's project Arrow, global mobility
    • 3 years in a row designated a Worldwide Top 7 Intelligent Community

Councillor Frank left the meeting at 3:12 p.m.

  • Resolution:COW-2024-151
    Moved byCouncillor Canavan

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Region Chair John Henry and CAO Elaine Baxter-Trahair with respect to Regional Chair Annual Update be received.


Steve Stewart, Partner, Deloitte LLP provided a presentation which included:

  • Deloitte audits the financial statements which are prepared by Township management
  • financial statements prepared in accordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards and conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards
  • 2023 new standards - asset retirement obligations and financial instruments
  • the audit is risk based approach focused on:
    • revenue and deferred revenue amounts
    • management override of controls
    • tangible capital assets
    • year-end accruals and other estimates
  • no issues were found
  • Deloitte audit used materiality of $500,000 (3% of operating expenses per year)
  • the results of the audit provide a clean unmodified opinion
  • the financial statements presented fairly in all material respects

Councillor Frank rejoined the meeting at 3:33 p.m.

  • Resolution:COW-2024-152
    Moved byCouncillor Doble

    Be it Resolved That the presentation by Steve Stewart, Deloitte LLP, and the Deloitte Report - 2023 Financial Audit - Township of Brock Audited Financial Statements, be received; and
    That this resolution be ratified by Council at their meeting on June 24, 2024.


Simon Glass, Ainley Group on behalf of the Region of Durham provided a presentation which included:

  • Study Purpose - to plan for the sanitary servicing of the remaining developable lands in Beaverton urban area to facilitate growth
  • employment area lands located at northwest quadrant of Simcoe Street and Highway 12 and must drain to the Lake Simcoe Water Pollution Control Plant
  • the existing water pollution control plant (WPCP) and sanitary sewage pumping station (SSPS) do not have capacity for the proposed development
  • EA proposes potential locations for a future SSPS site and a preferred alternative and defines the expansion requirements for the existing SSPS at the WPCP
  • considered flow rates based on Durham Region Design criteria and land use designation
  • 6 sites were considered based on accessibility and constructability
  • selected site 2 as preferred alternative new SSPS which is located to the west of the Beaver Avenue extension, west of Highway 12
    • forcemain crossing beneath Beaver River and discharging to gravity sewer along Thorah Concession Road 5
  • next steps: hold a public information center, review public comments, select the preferred alternative and finalize the project, issue notice of study completion and provide project report for a final 30 day public review, and if no Section 16 Order received from the MECP can proceed to preliminary design
  • Resolution:COW-2024-153
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    Be It Resolved That the presentation by Simon Glass, Ainley Group on behalf of Durham Region with respect to Beaverton Employment Lands SSPS Class EA be received.







Director of Finance/Treasurer

  • Resolution:COW-2024-154
    Moved byCouncillor Doble

    Be It Resolved That Report 2024-FI-019, Exemptions to the Fees and Charges By-Law – January to May be received; and
    That Staff continue to track the alternative fee agreements and report back to Council later in 2024, as part of the 2025 budget.


Director of Finance/Treasurer

  • Resolution:COW-2024-155
    Moved byCouncillor Canavan

    Be It Resolved That Report 2024-FI-016, 2023 Year-End Deficit and Year-End Reserves Balances be received; and
    That Council approve the transfer from Rate Stabilization of $43,294 to cover the 2023 year-end Deficit; and
    That Council approve the transfer of $11,570 to the Library Rate Stabilization Reserve for year-end 2023; and
    That this resolution be ratified by Council at their meeting on June 24, 2024.


Director Parks, Recreation and Facilities and Acting Director Public Works

  • Resolution:COW-2024-156
    Moved byRegional Councillor Jubb

    Be It Resolved That Report 2024-OP-010, Sidewalk Installations be received; and
    That Committee approve the additional funding with an upset limit of $50,000, and
    That the funding for this additional work be provided from the Development Charges, and
    That this resolution be ratified at the Council Meeting of June 24, 2024.


Director Parks, Recreation and Facilities and Acting Director Public Works

  • Resolution:COW-2024-157
    Moved byRegional Councillor Jubb

    Be It Resolved That Report 2024-PRF-016, Real Ice Review be received; and
    That staff be directed to arrange for the removal and return of the Real Ice system and associated equipment, save any plumbing installations, to Elexicon Energy; and
    That Council permit the reassignment of the previously approved capital funds for this system to be held for the 2025 Capital budget deliberations for the replacement of the Infrared system at the Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre; and
    That this resolution be ratified by Council at their meeting on June 24, 2024.


Recreation and Leisure Coordinator and Public Works Assistant 

  • Resolution:COW-2024-158
    Moved byCouncillor Doble

    Be It Resolved That Council receive Report 2024-PRF-015 Arena Advertising for information; and
    That staff be permitted to amend the 2024 Fees Bylaw to include in-ice advertising for the 2024-2025 season; and
    That staff be directed not to collect advertising for the Sunderland Arena due to the scheduled renovation; and
    That this resolution be ratified by Council at their meeting on June 24, 2024.

  • Resolution:COW-2024-159
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    Be it Resolved That Committee of the Whole break for a recess at 5:05 p.m.


Mayor Schummer reconvened the meeting at 5:13 p.m. and a quorum was present.

Clerk's Assistant

  • Resolution:COW-2024-160
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    Be It Resolved That Memorandum 2024-TED-003, Non-Profit Sector Advisory Committee Use of Funding Request be received; and
    That Council approve the use of the Non-Profit Sector Advisory Committees request to use funding to purchase a flag; and
    That Council approve the use of the Brock Township logo within the design of the new flag.


Deputy Clerk

  • Resolution:COW-2024-161
    Moved byCouncillor Canavan

    Be It Resolved That Memorandum 2024-GG-014, 2024 Township of Brock and Durham Region Accessibility Awards be received; and 
    That Council endorse the recommended nomination of the Thrift Hub for the Brock and Durham Region Accessibility Awards.


Director of Development Services

  • Resolution:COW-2024-162
    Moved byCouncillor Campbell

    Be It Resolved That Report 2024-DS-008, Downtown Community Improvement Plan Recommendation Report, be received; and
    That Council endorse the new Downtown Community Improvement Plan and Community Improvement Project Areas found in Attachments 1 and 2; and
    That the draft by-laws found in Attachments 1, 2, and 3 be adopted by Council at the June 24 Council meeting.


Clerk, Deputy CAO

  • Resolution:COW-2024-163
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill

    Be It Resolved That Memorandum 2024-GG-013, Modernization of Procurement Practice be received.


There was no correspondence for consideration.











There were no public questions for clarification.


  • Resolution:COW-2024-164
    Moved byCouncillor Canavan

    Be It Resolved That the Committee of the Whole meeting adjourn at 5:44 p.m.