The Corporation of the Township of Brock

Special Council Minutes

Council Chambers - 1 Cameron St. E. Cannington and Electronically
Members Present:
  • Mayor Walter Schummer
  • Regional Councillor Michael Jubb
  • Ward 2 Councillor Claire Doble
  • Ward 3 Councillor Angela Canavan
  • Ward 4 Councillor Cria Pettingill
  • Ward 5 Councillor Lynn Campbell
Members Absent:
  • Ward 1 Councillor Peter Frank
Staff Present:
  • CAO Michelle Willson
  • Clerk/Deputy CAO Fernando Lamanna
  • Clerk's Assistant Deena Hunt
  • Clerk's Assistant Stefanie Stickwood
  • Director of Finance/Treasurer Trena DeBruijn
  • Manager Facilities and IT, R. Wayne Ward
  • Fire Chief Rick Harrison



Mayor Schummer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and a quorum was present.



It is important to begin each public gathering with a Land and Territorial Acknowledgement, to recognize the Indigenous people for being good stewards of the land and environment, here where we are meeting today. The Township of Brock has traditionally been a hunting and fishing ground for First Nations people. We reside on and benefit from the Williams Treaty Territories, on the land of the Mississaugas and Chippewas. May we share the land as long as the sun rises, the grass grows and river flows.













Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities 

  • Resolution:C-2024-146
    Moved byCouncillor Campbell
    Seconded byRegional Councillor Jubb

    Be It Resolved That Report 2024-PRF-017, Sunderland Arena Timelines and Project Manager Tender, be received; and
    That staff be authorized to proceed with the issuance of the contract for the outlined work with CBRE in the amount of $306,966.17, excluding HST, upon receipt of all required articles outlined in the tender document regarding insurance coverage; and
    That Council provide staff with direction to put ice in the Sunderland arena for the 2024/2025 season.




There were no public questions for clarification.

By-law Number 3279-2024 - to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Brock at its meeting held on June 28, 2024.

  • Resolution:C-2024-147
    Moved byCouncillor Pettingill
    Seconded byCouncillor Canavan

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law Number 3279-2024, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Brock at its meeting held on June 28, 2024, be taken as read, enacted and signed by the Mayor and Clerk/Deputy CAO. 



  • Resolution:C-2024-148
    Moved byCouncillor Campbell
    Seconded byCouncillor Pettingill

    Be It Resolved That the Special Council meeting adjourn at 9:24 a.m.