Whereas it has been well in excess of a decade since The Township of Brock signed the International Charter for Walking. The Charter is to be more than a declaration of the needs and rights of pedestrians, it is also a series of actions. One action outlined in the charter is to “Provide clean, well-lit streets and paths, free from obstruction, wide enough for their busiest use, and with sufficient opportunities to cross roads safely and directly, without changing levels or diversion”;
And Whereas the accumulation of snow and ice would certainly constitute an obstruction;
And Whereas The Township of Brock has invested heavily in the development of a Sidewalk Master Plan as well as the investment of hundreds of thousands of tax dollars each year in the installation of new and improved sidewalks throughout the urban areas of the township;
And Whereas The Township of Brock currently has no policy or bylaw regulating the clearing of ice and snow on sidewalks throughout the municipality;
And Whereas the current practice of closing many sidewalks and posting yellow warning signs between November and April essentially removes a vital and safe pedestrian pathway for upwards of one half of the year which essentially forces pedestrians onto roadways which are used by cars, trucks, snowmobiles, ATVs, and other motor vehicles;
And Whereas closing sidewalks for upwards of half the year is a negative environmental action since it discourages walking and encourages use of vehicles even for relatively short distances
Therefore, Be It Resolved that The Council of The Township of Brock recognizes the importance of sidewalks and the roles they play in our community every month of the year and in order to provide for a safe and walkable community township staff are hereby requested to develop a policy and/or bylaw to regulate the clearing of snow and ice from sidewalks throughout the municipality and that this policy or bylaw will be ready for enactment on or before October 31, 2024 along with an appropriate educational and public information campaign.